
This step consists of inferring the values of parameters of the local dynamics in each microdomain or cell. These parameters can be diffusivities, forces, drifts and potential energies.

The inference usually consists of minimizing a cost function. It can be perfomed in each cell independently (e.g. D, DD and DF in their degraded variants) or jointly in all or some cells (e.g. DV).

Because the parameters are estimated for each cell, the resulting parameter values can be rendered as quantitative maps.

Basic usage

The tramway command features the infer sub-command that handles this step. The available inference modes are D, DD, DF and DV (also referred to as (D), (D,Drift), (D,F) and (D,V) respectively in InferenceMAP) and can be applied with the infer() helper function:

from tramway.helper import infer

maps = infer(cells, 'DV')

However such a straightforward call to infer() may occasionally fail in situations where the observed molecules exhibit little movement, that cannot even account for the experimental localisation precision.

An argument that should be first considered in an attempt to deal with runtime errors is min_diffusivity.

Another important argument that can help is the localisation precision or error (sigma or sigma2). See also the Common parameters and default values section.

Maps for 2D (trans-)location data can be rendered with the map_plot() helper function. The following command from the command-line section:

> tramway draw map -i example.rwa -L kmeans,df-map0 -cm jet -P size=1,color='w',alpha=.05

can be implemented as follows:

map_plot('example.rwa', label=('kmeans', 'df-map0'), colormap='jet',
        point_style=dict(size=1, color='w', alpha=.05))


TRamWAy uses the Bayesian inference technique that was first described in [Masson09] and implemented in InferenceMAP.

The motion of single particles is modeled with an overdamped Langevin equation:

\[\frac{d\textbf{r}}{dt} = \frac{\textbf{F}(\textbf{r})}{\gamma(\textbf{r})} + \sqrt{2D(\textbf{r})} \xi(t)\]

with \(\textbf{r}\) the particle location, \(\textbf{F}(\textbf{r})\) the local force (or directional bias), \(\gamma(\textbf{r})\) the local friction, proportional to the viscosity, \(D\) the local diffusion coefficient and \(\xi(t)\) a Gaussian noise term.

The DV model additionally assumes \(\textbf{F}(\textbf{r}) = -\nabla V(\textbf{r})\) with \(V(\textbf{r})\) the local potential energy.

The associated Fokker-Planck equation, which governs the temporal evolution of the particle transition probability \(P(\textbf{r}_2, t_2 | \textbf{r}_1, t_1)\) is given by:

\[\frac{dP(\textbf{r}_2, t_2 | \textbf{r}_1, t_1)}{dt} = - \nabla\cdot\left(-\frac{\nabla V(\textbf{r}_1)}{\gamma(\textbf{r}_1)} P(\textbf{r}_2, t_2 | \textbf{r}_1, t_1) - \nabla (D(\textbf{r}_1) P(\textbf{r}_2, t_2 | \textbf{r}_1, t_1))\right)\]

There is no general analytic solution to the above equation for arbitrary diffusion coefficient \(D\) and potential energy \(V\). However if we consider a small enough space cell over a short enough time segment, we may assume constant \(D\) and \(V\) in each cell, upon which the general solution to that equation leads to the following likelihood:

\[P((\textbf{r}_2, t_2 | \textbf{r}_1, t_1) | D_i, V_i) = \frac{\textrm{exp} \left(- \frac{\left(\textbf{r}_2 - \textbf{r}_1 + \frac{\nabla V_i (t_2 - t_1)}{\gamma_i}\right)^2}{4 \left(D_i + \frac{\sigma^2}{t_2 - t_1}\right)(t_2 - t_1)}\right)}{4 \pi \left(D_i + \frac{\sigma^2}{t_2 - t_1}\right)(t_2 - t_1)}\]

with \(i\) the index for the cell, \((\textbf{r}_1, t_1)\) and \((\textbf{r}_2, t_2)\) two points in cell \(i\) and \(\sigma\) the experimental localization error.

The probability of the local parameters \(D_i\) and \(V_i\) is calculated from the set of local translocations \(T_i=\{( \Delta\textbf{r}_j, \Delta t_j )\}_j\) applying Bayes’ rule:

\[P( D, V | T ) = \frac{P( T | D, V ) P( D, V )}{P(T)}\]

and, introducing the mapping hypothesis to decompose the likelihood:

\[P( T | D, V ) = \prod_i P( T_i | D_i, V_i ) = \prod_i \prod_j P( \Delta\textbf{r}_j, \Delta t_j | D_i, V_i )\]

\(P(D,V|T)\) is the posterior probability, \(P(D,V)\) is the prior probability and \(P(T)\) is the evidence, that can be ignored when maximizing the posterior.

Models other than DV follow the same rule, with \(V\) substituted by other model parameters.

[Masson09]Masson J.-B., Casanova D., Türkcan S., Voisinne G., Popoff M.R., Vergassola M. and Alexandrou A. (2009) Inferring maps of forces inside cell membrane microdomains, Physical Review Letters 102(4):048103


Inference modes are made available as plugins. Some of them are listed below:

Available inference modes
Inference mode Parameters Speed Generated maps
\(\textbf{F}\) [1]
\(V\) [1]
\(\textbf{F}\) [1]
force [2]
[1](1, 2, 3) the potentials and forces are estimated as \(\frac{V}{k_{\textrm{B}}T}\) and \(\frac{\textbf{F}}{k_{\textrm{B}}T}\) respectively
[2]not a direct product of optimizing; derived from the potential energy

D inference

This inference mode estimates solely the diffusion coefficient in each cell independently, resulting in a rapid computation. The likelihood used to infer the local diffusivity \(D_i\) in cell \(i\) given the corresponding set of translocations \(T_i = {(\Delta\textbf{r}_j, \Delta t_j)}_j\) is given by:

\[P(T_i | D_i) \propto \prod_j \frac{\textrm{exp}\left(-\frac{\Delta\textbf{r}_j^2}{4\left(D_i+\frac{\sigma^2}{\Delta t_j}\right)\Delta t_j}\right)}{4\pi\left(D_i+\frac{\sigma^2}{\Delta t_j}\right)\Delta t_j}\]

The D inference mode is well-suited to freely diffusing molecules and the rapid characterization of the diffusivity.

This mode supports the Jeffreys’ prior and the diffusivity smoothing prior.

DD inference

DD stands for Diffusivity and Drift.

This mode is very similar to the DF mode mode. The whole drift \(\textbf{a} = \frac{\textbf{F}}{\gamma}\) is optimized instead of the force \(\textbf{F}\). This may offer increased stability in the optimization. Indeed the contribution of the drift to the objective function does not depend directly on the simultaneously estimated diffusivity.

The likelihood is given by:

\[P(T_i | D_i, \textbf{a}_i) \propto \prod_j \frac{\textrm{exp}\left(-\frac{\left(\Delta\textbf{r}_j - \textbf{a}_i\Delta t_j\right)^2}{4\left(D_i+\frac{\sigma^2}{\Delta t_j}\right)\Delta t_j}\right)}{4\pi\left(D_i+\frac{\sigma^2}{\Delta t_j}\right)\Delta t_j}\]

If space (\(\textbf{r}\)) is measured as \(\mu m\), the unit for the drift magnitude is \(\mu m s^{-1}\).

The DD inference mode is well-suited to active processes (e.g. active transport phenomena).

This mode supports the Jeffreys’ prior, and the diffusivity smoothing prior.

DF inference

This inference mode estimates the diffusivity and force. It takes advantage of the assumption that \(D(\textbf{r}) = \frac{k_{\textrm{B}}T}{\gamma(\textbf{r})}\).

The likelihood used to infer the local diffusivity \(D_i\) and force \(\textbf{F}_i\) is given by:

\[P(T_i | D_i, \textbf{F}_i) \propto \prod_j \frac{\textrm{exp}\left(-\frac{\left(\Delta\textbf{r}_j - D_i\frac{\textbf{F}_i}{k_{\textrm{B}}T}\Delta t_j\right)^2}{4\left(D_i+\frac{\sigma^2}{\Delta t_j}\right)\Delta t_j}\right)}{4\pi\left(D_i+\frac{\sigma^2}{\Delta t_j}\right)\Delta t_j}\]

The DF inference mode is well-suited to mapping local force components, especially in the presence of non-potential forces (e.g. a rotational component). This mode allows for the rapid characterization of the diffusivity and directional biases of the trajectories.

This mode supports the Jeffreys’ prior and the diffusivity smoothing prior.

Following InferenceMAP, TRamWAy estimates the scaled force \(\frac{\textbf{F}}{k_{\textrm{B}}T}\). As a consequence, force components and magnitude can be expressed as \(k_{\textrm{B}}T\mu m^{-1}\), using \(k_{\textrm{B}}T\) as a unit for energy, and \(\mu m\) the unit for space (in the case \(\textbf{r}\) is expressed as \(\mu m\)).

Note anyway that forces are often best displayed as logarithms.

DV inference

Building up on the DF model, this model introduces an additional assumption on the distribution of the directional biases, and considers conservative forces only \(\textbf{F}=-\nabla V\), with \(V\) the effective potential.

The likelihood becomes:

\[P(T_i | D_i, V_i) \propto \prod_j \frac{\textrm{exp}\left(-\frac{\left(\Delta\textbf{r}_j + D_i\frac{\nabla V_i}{k_{\textrm{B}}T}\Delta t_j\right)^2}{4\left(D_i+\frac{\sigma^2}{\Delta t_j}\right)\Delta t_j}\right)}{4\pi\left(D_i+\frac{\sigma^2}{\Delta t_j}\right)\Delta t_j}\]

Following InferenceMAP, TRamWAy estimates the dimension-less ratio \(\frac{V}{k_{\textrm{B}}T}\). As such, \(V\) can be expressed as \(k_{\textrm{B}}T\).

Because this model requires access to the neighbour cells/bins for estimating the local potential gradient \(\nabla V_i\), the overall posterior probability is maximized necessarily optimizing all the spatially distributed parameters simultaneously.

As a consequence, this method is slow but smoothing priors can be introduced at little extra computational cost. The smoothing factors are described in a dedicated section.

This mode also supports the Jeffreys’ prior.

More information can also be found about gradient calculation.

Stochastic DV

A key variant of the default DV mode is the stochastic.dv mode, which randomly picks and chooses a cell at each iteration and performs a gradient descent step on the associated parameters considering the neighbour cells instead of the full tessellation.

It is showcased in most of the tutorial notebooks, e.g. basic/inference.ipynb and RWAnalyzer tour.ipynb, and is especially useful for inferring dynamic maps with temporal smoothing.

Common parameters and default values

All the methods use \(\sigma = 0.03 \textrm{µm}\) as default value for the experimental localization error. This parameter is defined by the experimental setup and can be set in TRamWAy with the --sigma command-line option or the sigma argument to infer() and is expressed in µm.


> tramway -i example.rwa infer dd --sigma 0.01 -l DD_sigma_10nm
from tramway.helper import infer

infer('example.rwa', 'dd', sigma=0.01, output_label='DD_sigma_10nm')

If no specific prior is defined, a uniform prior is used by default.

Jeffreys’ prior

All the methods described here also feature an optional Jeffreys’ prior on the diffusivity. It is a non-informative prior used to make the posterior probability distribution less sensitive to re-parametrization of diffusivity \(D\).

This prior - referred to as \(P_J(D_i)\) - modifies the maximized posterior probability:

\[P^*(D_i, ... | T_i) \propto P(T_i | D_i, ...) P_J(D_i)\]

Its value varies depending on the inference mode. Compare:

Jeffreys’ prior for the different inference modes
Inference mode Jeffreys’ prior \(P_J(D_i)\)
D \(\frac{1}{\left(D_i\overline{\Delta t}_i + \sigma^2\right)^2}\)
DD \(\frac{1}{\left(D_i\overline{\Delta t}_i + \sigma^2\right)^2}\)
DF \(\frac{D_i^2}{\left(D_i\overline{\Delta t}_i + \sigma^2\right)^2}\)
DV \(\frac{D_i^2}{\left(D_i\overline{\Delta t}_i + \sigma^2\right)^2}\)

The Jeffreys’ prior may be introduced in the posterior probability with the -j command-line option or the jeffreys_prior argument to infer(). Compare:

> tramway -i example.rwa infer dd -j -l DD_jeffreys
from tramway.helper import infer

infer('example.rwa', 'dd', jeffreys_prior=True, output_label='DD_jeffreys')

Note that with this prior the default minimum diffusivity value is \(0.01\). Consider modifying this value.

Spatial smoothing priors

A smoothing (improper) prior penalizes the gradients or spatial variations of the inferred parameters. It is meant to reinforce the physical plausibility of the inferred maps. For example, in certain situations we do not expect large changes in the diffusion coefficient between neighbour cells.

An optional smoothing factor, for example \(P_S(\textbf{D})\) for the diffusivity, multiplies with the original expression of the posterior probability and penalizes all the diffusivity gradients. \(P_S\) is a function of the diffusivity at all the cells, hence the vectorial notation \(\textbf{D}\) for the diffusivity.

The maximized probability becomes:

\[P^*(\textbf{D}, ... | T) = P_S(\textbf{D}) \prod_i P(T_i | D_i, ...)\]

with, for example:

\[P_S(\textbf{D}) = \textrm{exp}\left(-\mu\sum_i \mathcal{A}_i||\nabla D_i||^2\right)\]

where \(\mathcal{A}_i\) is the area of bin \(i\).

The \(\mu\) parameter can be set with the -d command-line option or the diffusivity_prior argument to infer(). Compare:

> tramway -i example.rwa infer dd -d 1 -l DD_d_1
from tramway.helper import infer

infer('example.rwa', 'dd', diffusivity_prior=1., output_label='DD_d_1')

Note that the DV inference mode readily features this smoothing factor, in addition to a similar smoothing factor \(P_S(\textbf{V})\) for the potential energy:

\[P_S(\textbf{V}) = \textrm{exp}\left(-\lambda\sum_i \mathcal{A}_i||\nabla V_i||^2\right)\]

Similarly to \(\mu\), the \(\lambda\) parameter can be set with the -v command-line option or the potential_prior argument to infer().

More information can be found about gradient calculation.

Alternative penalties

Gradients \(\nabla X\) are tangents and may not catch all the spatial variations, especially in the case of a regular mesh with an oscillating \(X\).

From version 0.4, all the methods feature the rgrad='delta' argument that replaces \(\nabla X_i\) in \(P_S(\textbf{X})\) by \(\Delta X_i\) as described in delta0() that considers the actual differences in \(X\) with the neighbour bins.

Beware that, in future versions, this alternative penalty may become the default behaviour. To keep these methods penalize the gradient, set rgrad='grad'.

Temporal smoothing prior

In combination with a time window, the dynamic maps can be inferred considering parameter smoothing across time.

Temporal smoothing is available in the stochastic.dv mode. It is implemented with yet another improper prior:

\[P''_S(\textbf{D},\textbf{V}) = \textrm{exp}\left(-\left(\tau_\mu\sum_i \frac{\partial D_i}{\partial t}^2 + \tau_\lambda\sum_i \frac{\partial V_i}{\partial t}^2\right)\right)\]

\(\tau_\mu\) and \(\tau_\lambda\) are available as arguments diffusivity_time_prior/diffusion_time_prior and potential_time_prior respectively.

See also the following notebook.

Implementation details


The maps are available as Maps objects that expose a pandas.DataFrame-like interface with “column” names such as ‘diffusivity’, ‘potential’ and ‘force’.

maps['force'] for 2D space-only data will typically return a DataFrame with two columns ‘force x’ and ‘force y’, where x and y refers to the space dimensions.

Distributed cells

The infer() function prepares the Partition (see the Tessellation section) before the inference is run.

Cells are represented by either Locations or Translocations objects. Both types of objects derivate from the Cell/FiniteElement class.

These cell objects are grouped together in a dict-like FiniteElements object. The FiniteElements class controls how the cells and the associated (trans-)locations are passed to the inference algorithm.

For example cells can be grouped in subsets of cells. In this case the top FiniteElements object will contain other FiniteElements objects that will in turn contain Cell objects.

The main routine of an inference plugin receives a FiniteElements object and can:

  • iterate over the contained cells (FiniteElements features a dict-like interface),
  • take benefit from the cell adjacency matrix (attribute adjacency)
  • and other convenience calculations such as gradient components (method grad()) that can be summed (method grad_sum()).

The run() applies the inference routine on the defined subsets of cells. It handles the multi-processing logic and combines the regional maps into a full map. The number of workers (or processes) can be set with the worker_count argument.

Force testing

In every cell, the inferred drift can be compared against the effect of diffusivity gradients.

The bayes_factor module calculates the odds (the probability ratio) of having an actual active force over the probability that diffusivity gradients can explain the observed drift. The user-specified B_threshold threshold sets the required level of evidence. Values above B_threshold indicate the presence of an active force, and values below 1/B_threshold indicate that diffusivity gradients are the moste likely explanation of the observed drift. The values in-between indicate that a conclusion cannot be reached at the required level of evidence.

The bayes_factor plugin generates 3 additional maps:

  • lg_B: current Bayes factor value
  • force: ternary map for the presence of an active force (-1: no force, 0: insufficient evidence, 1: force)
  • min_n: given the supplied total force and diffusivity gradient estimates are correct, returns a number of points to be collected in the current bin, so as to reach the required level of evidence.

The bayes_factor plugin operates on top of a diffusivity map that must be inferred first, preferably with the d.conj_prior plugin.

The current version of the bayes_factor plugin does not test the drift or force inferred by plugins such as DD, DF or DV.